Chiropractic Treatment As A Preventative Measure

Far and away, the most common symptoms we treat here at our Athens chiropractor’s office is back pain, be it lower, upper, or mid level pain. Oftentimes, we hear from our patients that they believed back pain was inevitable as they grew older, and chronic discomfort was a normal part of aging. Here at Athens Upper Cervical Chiropractic, we don’t believe that- in fact, most of the time, the chronic pain is a result of a past injury, years of poor posture, or previous trauma. The traditional treatment method is to treat issues as they arise- if the back is causing pain, prescribe pain medication. If the patient can’t sleep, prescribe sleeping pills. At our office, we take a more holistic approach to health.‍

When there’s a disruption in the flow of the nervous system, the nerves are unable to properly communicate with the rest of the body. Disruptions can be caused by traumatic injuries, poor sleeping positions, unsupportive footwear, any number of things really. As time goes on, if the alignment of the spine does not improve, the patient will experience symptoms like insomnia, chronic pain, headaches, migraines, you name it. Because the upper cervical spine is such a sensitive area with the brain stem, any misalignment or impingement can cause issues in the body.‍

Because of the degree of sensitivity of the area, we recommend regular checkups with your chiropractor to keep your spine in healthy working form. Just like seeing a dentist for your checkup, it’s important to see your chiropractor for a checkup as well. As with most things, preventative treatment is far easier to maintain than fixing serious issues after they occur. At the core of chiropractic treatment is the belief that the body is well equipped to heal itself, and it’s our job to maintain healthy working order of the body systems, through regular checkups, adjustments if needed, and healthy lifestyle choices.‍

While we are qualified to treat a number of conditions, including migraines, carpal tunnel, arthritis, chronic pain, and more, the basis of our treatment methods revolve around keeping the spine healthy, and maintaining proper alignment, so we can allow the central nervous system to function as it was intended to. Because of that, preventative treatment is really a no brainer. At Athens Upper Cervical Chiropractic, we take regular x-rays and 3D images of the spine to see exactly where issues may be occurring, and to track progress over time. Our patients don’t spend hours in our office every week- our goal is simple, effective treatment that gets you out of the office, and back to doing what you love, without pain.‍

Upper cervical chiropractic treatment can both treat chronic pain, and prevent issues down the road. As the only Athens chiropractor specializing in the upper cervical spine, we take great pleasure in helping our patients achieve pain free living, because it is possible. Give us a call today if you’re ready to schedule your first appointment!